Future Power Projects
This project involved the installation of 8000m of conduit and cable, 123 streetlights, three dedicated Main Roads WA switchboards, 4000m of open trench and five horizontal directional drill shots under roads. The trench route ran parallel to high pressure gas mains and critical main water service lines.
Our Project Team worked diligently to ensure the protection of all services during the trenching and under road boring. During the entire trenching phase of the project, the only service damaged was an obsolete Telstra service line that was not identified on any drawings.
The project involved co-ordination with numerous stakeholders – City of Canning, Public Transport Authority, all service providers and their inspectors during trenching operations, fencing contractors, Council work crews installing the footpath, and Main Roads WA, who completed the final inspection and acceptance.
Upon commencement of the installation, the final design was not yet finalised due to the Council Consultant responsible for the design of the lighting, still finalising pole positions with the PTA. Our Project Manager worked closely with the Consultant, meeting on site on numerous occasions to assist with liaison with the PTA and finalise positions.
The installation design was based on the Main Roads WA specification, but adapted to the Council requirements.
On hand over to Main Roads WA, there were small issues that did not meet the Main Roads WA requirements. Future Power WA worked quickly with the Consultant and the Council to amend the installation to ensure Main Roads WA acceptance, and facilitate handover.
The project was completed without incident, within schedule, and to the complete satisfaction of the client as well as Main Roads WA.
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